Fresh Work: Sew Good ●

Helping stop climate change one bag at time.


Sew Good

Fresh Work

Sew Good

The Challenge

Sew Good is an eco conscious brand that makes reusable fabric bags that are good for our planet. So do many other brands… it’s a trend! Our task was to come up with an idea that would make Sew Good stand out from the rest.
Sew Good
Sew Good

We grow fruitful brands!

The Inspiration

Activists like Greta Thunberg and climate strikes all over the world, have turned everyone’s focus to our planet’s biggest challenge ever: stop climate change before there’s no planet left to save.

Sew Good
Sew Good

The Idea

Sew Good

The Idea

We chose the best slogans from activists all over the world and created 6 unique designs for Sew Good: The Bag-tivist Collection. Tote bags that promote a reusable lifestyle while carrying strong messages to save the Earth…. and ourselves!
Sew Good
Sew Good

Fresh work